3. Plan For Success
Now that you have a few new ideas, let’s create a plan for achieving the new you. Make a list of three separate categories and title them “Feeling, Looking and Doing.”
How do I want to feel next year?
i.e., I plan to feel excited about my life, and I plan to feel sexier when I’m in my clothes, I plan to feel confident when discussing topics on _____. You get it. Now your turn.
I plan to feel ______. Repeat at least ten times and don’t give up!
This category is about giving your external appearance a little refresher. How would you like to look in your new year? Change hair color? Lose or gain 5 pounds? Better posture? Smile more? Wear those cute shoes more often? You get the idea!
Now your turn! Repeat 10 times, soldier!
Make it a new habit to do more things that bring you joy. What would you like to be “doing” in your new year? More time in the garden? Reading? Spending time with friends? Learning a new skill? Habits are created from what we consistently “do” so, what do you want to do?
You know the drill. Drop and give me a list of 10!