EXHALE: Holistic Peace


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Exhale: Holistic Peace

It’s easy to develop the habit of thinking that feeling peace inside comes from some cryptic source outside of ourselves. We even attempt to negotiate with peace and say “I’ll have peace when I have more money, lose 10 pounds, buy a new home or car and when I find the perfect partner.” The truth is, outer peace is a reflection of our inner peace. If you are not peaceful within yourself, you will tend to project your life’s relationships and encounters as conflict, violence, grievances, resistance, war, and crime in the world. Even that powerful little guy resentment will creep in!

“Peace is not something you find, it’s who you are when you are not overshadowed by the separate and conflicted self.“                                                                                                                                                        -Dr. Deepak Chopra

Two boy arguing, close-up

Here are nine rules for conflict resolution

1​.  Always treat your adversary or that which you think is your adversary with respect 
If you treat them with respect, there is some chance they will listen to you. If not, they will never forgive you.

2. ​In any conflict, recognize there is the perception of injustice on both sides
Be open about your perception of the injustice and ask the other for and about their perception of injustice. We’ve all had a situation when things weren’t always as they seemed or thought they were.

3. ​Be willing to forgive and ask for forgiveness
Of course, this one may be tough for those who have been betrayed. The good thing is, you don’t have to convince yourself that the other person deserves your forgiveness because you will never think the other deserves forgiveness. ​You forgive because YOU deserve peace. ​When you forgive, your mind will become peaceful and when you ask for forgiveness, your mind will become peaceful.

closeup of two cats in a conflict over  white background

4. ​Try not to be belligerent
Oh, don’t you go there! Belligerence gets messy quickly and unfortunately, belligerence loves to say what it may not really mean! When you’re belligerent, there is no true communication happening and you’ll be regarded as a bully and bullies ultimately, never win. They always lose. So, refrain from belligerence.

5.​ Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to get in touch with your own emotions, as well as getting in touch with another person’s emotions. This is the ability to engage in relationships coming from a place of peace, love, compassion, and empathy using consciouses communication. 

6​. Do not stereotype
There have been times we have all subconsciously stereotyped out of feeling hurt, frustrated or scared of a situation. Racism, ethnocentricity, bigotry, prejudice, and ageism never serve feeling peace in your heart. The habit of stereotyping will disturb your peace.

7.​ Try not to prove the other person wrong
I know I know, this may be a hard one to swallow when stating your position in a situation but, if you make them lose face, you’ve lost them forever, they’ll never forgive you.

8. ​No ideological argument ever wins
Republicans will not convince Democrats, Democrats will not convince Republicans and the so-called “saints” will never convince the sinners and sinners will never convince so-called “saints” so, refrain from all ideological, political and religious discussions.

Exhale: Holistic Peace

9. ​Recognize where there is conflict, there is fear
Where there is fear, the light of love can heal everything. This is the way to inner peace that ultimately projects to outer peace.
I wish you courage, love, and light as you continue your journey into inner peace.


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